Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Our Animatic

This is our animatic presentation which our group created. As a group we didn't know much about editing but from this i'm sure your'll agree that we have learnt a great deal and are coming along well, this was done from asking a lot of questions on how to things and trial and error. First we created a new file and uploaded the images onto Adobe Premier Pro and turned them all around so they were the right way up and the right size for what we needed. Then once they were uploaded we then made sure the timings were correct and they were in the right order. We did have a few problems and had to start again but once that was sorted we were back on track and ready to start the transitions. Through our teacher we learnt how to zoom and pan using Adobe and also how to make the titles themselves on a plain black screen and incorporate them into our clip itself. Although it was challenging I really enjoyed working on this and learnt a great amount. From doing the aninmatic we can see now roughly what the final piece will look like and what need to improve in order to make it the best of our ability.  I'm really proud of what we achieved and I hope you can see that we put time and effort into creating this.

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