Wednesday, 6 March 2013


We are now at the point where we are looking back over the evaluation questions, therefore we have put together a questionnaire which will help us on audience feedback. As a group we will put it on each of our social network sites, along with the final product.

This is the first draft of the questions we have created;

1) From the opening sequence, does it make you want to watch the rest of the film?
2) Does the opening sequence make sense to you?
3) Do the camera angles work and do they create realism?
4) Are the transition smooth?
5) Is the non-diegetic score work?
6) Does it have thriller elements within the opening?
7) Is the storyline presented well?
8) Are the props in the opening realistic?
9) Did the characters work well within the opening sequence?
10) Do you think the locations are suitable?
11) Are the titles easy to read and do they last for long enough?

This is just the first idea's we had of the questionnaire we will be sure to expand and think of better ways to ask. Already we think that people who aren't into media might not necessarily know what some of it means so we will have to adjust them for everyone to understand. This feed back will help us when completing our evaluation because we will need to know how to improve and if the opening sequence worked as a whole.

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