Friday 15 February 2013

Rough Cut

This here is our rough cut, however it is not completed and more improvements need to be made. Melissa and Jacob took Callum up to London to film the second half of our opening. As you can see there is no music and bits missing still, we are still looking into what non diegetic score we could use to create the intense effect that we need. Not only this but when going to put the title 'Mad Teacher' in at the end, we decided we didn't like as much so we are still in progress with that, I'm sure once we have the completed opening it will come to us. Melissa and I spent time doing the editing and there were many shots that have already been cut out/cut down. I'm still not 100% on the transitions but I think once all the clips are put in and edited that will sort itself out.
Although it's finished, I think that already it is so much better than our original idea and it is more creative, but if you don't try different things you wont know whats good and whats bad, therefore I think it was good that our group spent time and reevaluated our idea's to create a new storyboard in order to get the best out of this as possible. Like I said it still needs to be improved and there is more clips that still need to be added but overall I think we are on the right track in achieving the best that we are capable of.

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